CAIN Membership Council

The CAIN Membership Council was composed of General Member organization representatives for various regions in Canada. These individuals were member-elected and worked with CAIN as advisors on its strategy, services, and impact - representing CAIN’s General Members.

The Membership Council was created through a nomination and election process administered by CAIN, where each General Member had an opportunity to nominate individuals and then later vote between nominees for their region. For more information, we invite you to read CAIN’s Membership Council Guiding Principles document (that all Council members signed) that outlines items such as eligibility, commitments and accountability, conflicts of interest, and how CAIN approaches creating a safe space for collaboration and conflict resolution. We welcome feedback on how we can improve, contact us.

We sincerely thank our Membership Council for the generous contribution of their time in service to their peers and to our collective efforts to improve the innovation landscape in Canada together.

Michelle Sklar

Michelle Sklar

West Coast Representative

Early Stage



West Coast Representative

Late Stage

Erin Robar

Erin Robar

Atlantic Representative

Early Stage



Atlantic Representative

Early Stage

John MacRitchie

John MacRitchie

Ontario Representative

Early Stage

Patrick White

Patrick White

Ontario Representative

Late Stage

David Yiptong

David Yiptong

Prairies Representative

Early Stage

Colin Christensen

Colin Christensen

Prairies Representative

Late Stage

Joanna Buczkowska-McCumber

Joanna Buczkowska-McCumber

National Representative

Late Stage

Tristram Waye

Tristram Waye

National Representative

Early Stage



Quebec Representative

Early Stage

Louis-Félix Binette

Louis-Félix Binette

Quebec Representative

Late Stage